Winner of the 2022 AASECT Book Award for Children under 18 years old.
Lizzie Charbonneau and Misha Iver are proud recipients of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) 2022 Book Award for Children under 18 years old.
During the award ceremony, AASECT stated Your Whole Body "celebrates the body with an eye to advocacy, affirmation, and abuse prevention, and supports young people, their communities, and their caregivers. Author Lizzie DeYoung Charbonneau and illustrator Misha Iver... collaborated on Your Whole Body after recognizing the lack of books for children that discussed genitals with the same ease, clarity, and confidence as other body parts. Their shared passion for representation, transformation, and education resulted in this wonderful book that is a true resource for educators, clinicians, and counselors."
Why Knowing the Names for Genitals Matters
It Keeps Kids Safe
Knowing the proper names for genitals is a critical body safety skill for young children. An adult is more likely to understand what happened to a child who reports if the child uses the correct words. Perpetrators are also less likely to offend against children who know the proper names.
It Starts the Conversation
Toddlers are curious about their bodies. When you answer your toddler's questions openly and honestly, they learn that you are shame-free source of accurate information. When they reach puberty, they'll be more likely to ask you their questions rather than asking their friends or the internet.
It Promotes Body Positivity
The nicknames parents use for genitals often imply that genitals are shameful. When you teach your child their proper names, you remove the idea that this integral part of their body is bad. Research indicates that a positive body image supports physical health and psychological well-being.
"Finally, a book that weaves in the correct terminology for genitals with all other body parts.Your Whole Body will teach children the names of the body parts from head to toe, normalizing words that are often uncomfortable for adults to say."
"This book hits all the marks for providing accurate, inclusive, shame-free body literacy education! The illustrations are diverse, include representation of different abilities, and the book does not gender bodies."
"The way the book is laid out makes it very natural to feature genitalia in a shame-free and anatomically correct way. Lizzie gets it right! I definitely recommend this book for their abuse prevention library."
A book for families who want their children to learn about their entire bodies.
Your Whole Body helps parents teach their children the names of genitals in a comfortable way by seamlessly weaving in the explanations and illustrations for private parts as the book explores the body from head to toes. Written for ages 2-6, the vivid illustrations show children in everyday situations while providing detailed drawings of individual body parts.
Approved by Experts Across Many Fields
Early Childhood Education
Child Safety
Gender Identity
Why I wrote
Your Whole Body
I knew it was important to teach my son the name of his genitals from an early age but was uncomfortable saying words like penis, scrotum, and anus aloud. I wanted an age-appropriate and inclusive book to help me teach these words to my son. When I couldn't find what I was looking for, I wrote it.
– Author Lizzie Charbonneau
Now available at Book Ends in Winchester, Massachusetts
Does the book show an intact or circumcised penis?The book shows both an intact and circumcised penis. It also includes the text, "Some people have skin, called foreskin, that covers the top of their penis. Some people are circumcised and have had the foreskin removed."
How does the book gender genitals?The book uses gender neutral language to describe genitals: "Some people have a vulva...."
Does the book include descriptions of intersex bodies?No, though the book leaves space for parents to talk to their children about intersex bodies by saying "Some people have a vulva...." and "Some people have a penis...." rather than saying "Half of people....".
Thank You!
This book would not have been possible without the incredible support of all of the Kickstarter backers. I would like to particularly thank the following contributors:
Kim Lilly
Jim and Teri Carns
Tina Tomsen
Ryan Reed
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Covina/Los Alamitos
Susan Haas
Harry Sleeper
Ciaran DellaFera
Alison Munroe
Maggie Charbonneau
Carolyn Reigle
Northern Shores Counseling
Lily Gordon
Roshea Moore
Jennifer de Vries
Karen Russell
Jennifer Sullivan
Tutu Sullivan
Nancy Tcheou
Michelle Blakely
Sex Positive Families
Erin Connors
Olivia James
Clare Boersma
Clare Hurley
Jan and Don DeYoung